Μαθηματικοί και άλλοι
Σάββατο 29 Οκτωβρίου 2022
Κυριακή 28 Αυγούστου 2022
Στον μαθηματικό Barry Mazur το “Μετάλλιο Chern”
Αναρτήθηκε σε 21 Ιουλίου, 2022 κατηγορία: Ειδήσεις | Tags: Barry Mazur, Mαθηματικά, Βράβευση, εκπαίδευση, Επιστήμη, Ιδέες
Ολόκληρο το άρθρο στο ΘΑΛΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΦΙΛΟΙ
Συντάκτης: Γιώργος Καρουζάκης

Barry Mazur | Photo credit: Lance Murphey
Στη συνέχεια των δημοσιευμάτων που αφορούν τις κορυφαίες διακρίσεις στον τομέα των μαθηματικών, και ανακοινώθηκαν πριν από λίγο καιρό στην τελετή της Διεθνούς Μαθηματικής Ένωσης στο Ελσίνκι της Φινλανδίας, αξίζει να αναφέρουμε τη σημαντική διάκριση που δόθηκε σε μία ξεχωριστή προσωπικότητα της μαθηματικής επιστήμης. Πρόκειται για την απονομή του φετινού Μεταλλίου Chern στον Αμερικανό μαθηματικό του Πανεπιστημίου του Χάρβαρντ, Barry Mazur. Το Μετάλλιο Chern απονέμεται κάθε τέσσερα χρόνια στο διεθνές συνέδριο της ICM, «σε ένα άτομο του οποίου τα εξέχοντα επιτεύγματα δικαιούνται το υψηλότερο επίπεδο αναγνώρισης στον τομέα των μαθηματικών».
Τρίτη 26 Απριλίου 2022
Anuraag Bukkuri
Anuraag Bukkuri, a PhD student in integrated mathematical oncology at the University of South Florida and Moffitt Cancer Center, will be the 2022 AMS Mass Media Fellow. He will spend 10 weeks this summer as a journalist for The Miami Herald, reporting on science and related topics.

In his research, Bukkuri applies perspectives from mathematics, ecology, evolution, and Earth history to cancer therapies. He studied mathematics as an undergraduate at Dartmouth College and the University of Minnesota. Growing up, he wrote short stories and poems, but his interests in science and writing did not overlap at first.
"In more recent years is when I saw a big gap in the mathematical field for bringing our ideas, our passion for math, [and] the applications of math in the real world to the public,” Bukkuri said. In an article appearing in The Conversation last year, he described how evolutionary game theory could improve cancer treatment.
COVID-19, climate change, rising sea levels, the Everglades—all these scientific topics matter to the people of South Florida, Bukkuri said. He is looking forward to talking with local experts and using his training as a mathematician to write for Herald readers in a clear and methodical style.
Bukkuri is one of 28 fellows who will be embedded in newsrooms across the country this summer. “To join this group of truly distinguished people—not only in my cohort, but for decades—is truly an honor, and I hope to be able to learn from everyone over the years to come." After the fellowship, Bukkuri plans to pursue an academic research career while continuing to write.
About the Fellowship
Organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship program improves public understanding of science and technology by placing advanced undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate science, mathematics, and engineering students in media outlets nationwide. Fellows work for 10 weeks over the summer as reporters, researchers, and production assistants alongside media professionals to sharpen their communication skills and increase their understanding of the editorial process by which events and ideas become news. Now in its 47th year, the fellowship program counts over 750 scientists and science communicators as alumni. The AMS has sponsored a Mass Media Fellow most years since 1997.
Read more about this year’s class of Mass Media Fellows and see a list of past fellows supported by the AMS.
Contact: AMS Communications
The American Mathematical Society is dedicated to advancing research and connecting the diverse global mathematical community through our publications, meetings and conferences, MathSciNet, professional services, advocacy, and awareness programs.
Πέμπτη 24 Μαρτίου 2022
Αποδέκτης του βραβείου για το 2022 είναι ο Dennis Parnell Sullivan
Εις το άπειρον: …and the Abel 2022 goes to… – Συλλέκτης Σωτήρη Χασάπη
...and the Abel 2022 goes to...
Πηγή: The Abel Prize
Δευτέρα 3 Ιανουαρίου 2022
Πέμπτη 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2021
Richard P. Stanley receives 2022 Steele Prize for Lifetime AchievementAMS :: News from the AMS – Συλλέκτης Σωτήρη Χασάπη
Richard P. Stanley, an emeritus professor of mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will receive the 2022 AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. Stanley has revolutionized enumerative combinatorics, revealing deep connections with other branches of mathematics, such as commutative algebra, topology, algebraic geometry, probability, convex geometry, and representation theory. In doing so, he solved important longstanding combinatorial problems, often reinvigorating these other fields with new combinatorial methods. Through his outstanding research; excellent expository works; and many PhD students, collaborators and colleagues, he continues to influence the field of combinatorics worldwide.

Response of Richard P. Stanley
It is a wonderful honor to receive the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement. When I started working in enumerative and algebraic combinatorics around 1967, I was greatly attracted to the vision of my thesis adviser Gian-Carlo Rota (recipient of a 1988 Steele Prize), who saw glimmerings of deep connections between combinatorics and other branches of mathematics. In graduate school, I became interested in partially ordered sets and symmetric functions. They fortunately turned out to be extremely fecund concepts which continue to fascinate me. I have described elsewhere how the problem raised by MacMahon of enumerating solid (3-dimensional) partitions eventually led me to find connections with convex polytopes, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry, leading to the solution of a number of problems, such as the Upper Bound Conjecture for Spheres and the g-conjecture for simplicial polytopes, having nothing to do with solid partitions. It is interesting how the path to successful research can be so circuitous.
Throughout my career it has been gratifying to see many highly talented aspiring mathematicians decide to work in algebraic and enumerative combinatorics. Thanks to their efforts, the field has become vastly more sophisticated and intertwined with other areas than when I began my own research. This Steele Prize should be regarded not only as an individual honor, but also as a testament to the efforts of these other researchers who have raised algebraic and enumerative combinatorics to its present lofty level. I should also express my gratitude to the MIT Department of Mathematics for providing a stimulating and nurturing environment for learning, discovering, and teaching mathematics.
Biographical Sketch of Richard P. Stanley
Richard P. Stanley attended the California Institute of Technology as an undergraduate and received his PhD from Harvard University in 1971. He originally planned to work in algebra or number theory, but under the spell of Gian-Carlo Rota, he switched his main research interest to combinatorics. After postdocs at MIT and UC Berkeley, Stanley returned in 1973 to MIT, where he remained until retiring in 2018. He continues as an Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor at the University of Miami during spring semesters. He especially likes connections between combinatorics and other branches of mathematics.
Stanley is a member of the American Academy of Art and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the AMS. He was a plenary speaker at the ICM in 2006 and gave the AMS Colloquium Lectures in 2010. He received the SIAM George Pólya Prize in Combinatorics in 1975, the Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition in 2001, and the Rolf Schock Prize in Mathematics in 2003. Sixty students received their PhDs under his supervision. In addition to these mathematical progeny, he has two biological children and two grandchildren.
About the Award
Presented annually, the AMS Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement is awarded for the cumulative influence of the total mathematical work of the recipient, high level of research over a period of time, particular influence on the development of a field, and influence on mathematics through PhD students. The Steele Prizes were established in 1970 in honor of George David Birkhoff, William Fogg Osgood, and William Caspar Graustein, and are endowed under the terms of a bequest from Leroy P. Steele.
The 2022 prize will be presented Wednesday, January 5 during the Joint Prize Session at the 2022 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Seattle.
Find out more about the prize and previous recipients.
Contact: AMS Communications.
Δευτέρα 8 Νοεμβρίου 2021
George Bernard Dantzig